My Mom Corner

I finally cleared away a spot in our master bedroom for my "mom corner". I have been dreaming up this space since we moved into our house in April. It began with a search for the perfect piece of furniture to "house" all of my piles of books and things: devotional and Bible study books, homeschooling books and papers, gift books, home keeping books, a small basket where I keep cards from my husband so I can read them over and over again and room for things I haven't even thought of yet. I found the perfect piece in a Pottery Barn catalog, but the price was more than I wanted or could pay, so...we went to Target and found something that looks just like it and it was on SALE for only $39. My dear, sweet husband put it together the same day and I am just loving it.
It isn't filled up yet and quite frankly, I don't want it to be, I want to feel as if I have room to grow as I come up with new ideas and inspirations.

I am finally able to keep all of my Martha Stewart Living Magazines together which is convenient because I refer back to them often for decorating ideas, recipes, crafts, etc. I found some really great magazine holders at - yes you guessed it, Target - don't you just love Target?
This is it -- my bookcase, my chair, a small vintage table beside my chair and a window that lets in light. I truly feel blessed to have this space.

Father's Day

We decided that we needed to get out of town after spending so much time on the house lateley. We took a drive to Balch Park and then on up to Hidden Falls. The weather was fantastic - in the 70's -- it was hard to convince ourselves to come back to the Valley heat.

Visitor's information booth at the entrance to Balch Park.

A huge fallen redwood that the kids love to climb on and around right inside Balch Park.

Playing in the cool pools of water at Hidden Falls.

God's majestic creation.

A day of old-fashioned fun

Remember being a kid and playing in the mud? I remember we would get a big ball of mud and put it on the ground and make an indentation with our elbows and then do a little detail work to get it to look like a bowl and then set it in the sun to dry...mud bowls, how cool!

Our daughter loves mud too! We haven't landscaped our backyard yet so she has a yard full of dirt at her disposal. Water and mud in a bucket is just about as good as it gets.