Our Big Red Barn

We have been dreaming about having this barn (it's really a shed but it is just too nice to be called a shed) ever since we saw it at Home Depot. It's a Tuf Shed and it could be converted into a guest home if we ever wanted to do that. We knew we wanted/needed it for our new home. We are renting 2 storage sheds and we wanted to save money so we figured out the cost and we will save money in the long run by having our own storage. We have packed a lot in there but still have room.
This is the front view. I love the turbine fan on the roof, it looks so cool.

That is my husband opening the window.

This is the loft which is great for additional storage and the sky light which is great as we don't have electricty out there...yet.
Well, that is our barn.

The chicks have arrived!!

Here are the newest additions to our family. The girls are all bantams so they will be about half the size of a regular chicken. Their eggs will be smaller too (it takes about 2 small bantam eggs to equal a large egg), but an egg is an egg, right?

They are all asleep except the gray one whom we named rascal in memory of Greg's cat who had the same coloring and was well, a rascal at times as this one is turning out to be. I just love how they fall asleep --they are just so darn cute!!

2 of them are silkies and will look like this when they grow up

2 of them are Ameracauna's and will look like this, they lay the gorgeous green and blue eggs

Yes, they even sleep standing up.

My daughter named this one "Kitty".

Well, enough cuteness for now.