Our Big Red Barn

We have been dreaming about having this barn (it's really a shed but it is just too nice to be called a shed) ever since we saw it at Home Depot. It's a Tuf Shed and it could be converted into a guest home if we ever wanted to do that. We knew we wanted/needed it for our new home. We are renting 2 storage sheds and we wanted to save money so we figured out the cost and we will save money in the long run by having our own storage. We have packed a lot in there but still have room.
This is the front view. I love the turbine fan on the roof, it looks so cool.

That is my husband opening the window.

This is the loft which is great for additional storage and the sky light which is great as we don't have electricty out there...yet.
Well, that is our barn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our barn used to look like that...
Before the goats ate it.. :D